
Sweet orange


Sweet orange

Hello Slim Day and Night

Hello Slim

A unique set of teas that have a strong detoxifying effect on the body and accelerate the effects of each slimming diet. First kind of tea for the day and second for the night. They contain the following ingredients: green tea, yerba mate, wild rose, eucalyptus leaf, guarana, apple, chicory root, elderberry, hibiscus, chokeberry, pineapple aroma, mint, pineapple juice concentrate, lemon peel, orange peel.

Hello Slim

Restilen to Relieve Stress and Anxiety


An easily accessible source of natural ingredients that improve the efficiency of the nervous system and reduce stress. These are, among others: sweet orange peel extract, Ashwagandha, Chinese tea leaf extract, saffron, cantaloupe melon juice concentrate, magnesium, B vitamins (thiamine – vitamin B1, riboflavin – vitamin B2, niacin – vitamin B3, acid pantothenic – vitamin B5, pyrodxine – vitamin B6, cobalamin – vitamin B12).
