



NuviaLab Meno 60 capsules - Menopause Support Formula

NuviaLab Meno

A modern dietary supplement produced especially for women during menopause. It counteracts the most troublesome symptoms of menopause in women. It soothes feeling of hot waves. It reduces excessive sweating. It facilitates falling asleep and rest. It soothes the feeling of permanent fatigue, irritability and low mood. Increases the level of libido. The active ingredients of the dietary supplement are: clover leaf and flower extract, alfalfa herb extract, palmar rhubarb root extract, vitamins (D, E, B6), folic acid.

NuviaLab Meno

Locerin 60 caps


Extremely powerful supplement for hair health. Intended for women. Contains the following herbs and nutrients: organic green pea sprouts extract (AnaGain ™), horsetail herb extract, nettle leaf extract, bamboo stem extract, alfalfa leaf extract, organic sulfur, black pepper fruit extract, annual peppers extrract, vitamin C, biotin, niacin (vitamin B3, vitamin PP, nicotinic acid), zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, magnesium.


Bulk Extreme 90 capsules

Bulk Extreme

Intended for people who do strength training. It supports building muscle mass and accelerates regeneration after training. Has a positive effect on sexual activity. A rich list of ingredients: bitter melon extract (Momordicin®), Ashwagandha root extract, nettle leaf extract, alfalfa herb extract, eleuterococcus spiny root extract, pumpkin seed extract, maca root extract, mumio extract, extract from saw palmetto fruit, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, selenium, zinc.

Bulk Extreme