



Bulk Extreme 90 capsules

Bulk Extreme

Intended for people who do strength training. It supports building muscle mass and accelerates regeneration after training. Has a positive effect on sexual activity. A rich list of ingredients: bitter melon extract (Momordicin®), Ashwagandha root extract, nettle leaf extract, alfalfa herb extract, eleuterococcus spiny root extract, pumpkin seed extract, maca root extract, mumio extract, extract from saw palmetto fruit, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, selenium, zinc.

Bulk Extreme

NuviaLab Flex - Advanced Joint Care Formula

NuviaLab Flex

Suitable for both women and men. It soothes joint ailments resulting from injury and old age. It supports the free and comfortable work of the hip, knee and all other joints. It strengthens the skeletal system and stimulates the body to produce collagen and connective tissues. It has anti-inflammatory and preventive properties. The basic ingredients are: Indian frankincense resin extract, turmeric rhizome extract, glucosamine sulphate, papain from papaya fruit, chondroitin sulphate, methylsulfonylmethane, bromelain from pineapple fruit, mumio, vitamin C, vitamin D, manganese.

NuviaLab Flex

Gigant X 60 capsules

Gigant X

A rich set of natural ingredients that increase male sexual performance and sexual potency. It contains, among others: RedNite (standardized beetroot root extract, Korean ginseng root extract, ginkgo leaf extract, mumijo (Shilajit) extract, annual pepper fruit extract, black pepper fruit extract, citrulline malate, caffeine anhydrous, zinc.

Gigant X